A Day In The Life of Using Inline CRM

Illustration of a woman looking at a giant calendar

We can write and write about how using our technology can lead to a 2,700% jump in sales.

But stories make things more real. So, let’s follow a day in the life of Lisa, who needs to sell just one more extended warranty to get a multiplier on her commission.

7:55 AM

Since Lisa knows a $5,000 bonus rides on her performance today, she listens to her favorite pump-up song. Not only is it a catchy tune, listening to it leads to better performance.

8 AM

Lisa takes a swig of coffee (no sugar, just sweetener) as she officially begins the day by using Inline CRM with click-to-clock-in functionality.

Screenshot showing how easy it is to clock in with Inline CRM

8:01 AM

If Lisa worked anywhere else, she might spend her first 15 minutes trying to decide who to call first or — worse — wait for the phone to ring.

Those are 15 minutes she can’t afford to waste.

Fortunately, her dashboard already lists and prioritizes the day’s hottest leads.

That saves major mental energy, allowing her to jump into her selling mode.

8:02-8:10 AM

Now that she knows who to call, Lisa needs to know how to prepare for the conversation. She reviews the notes associated with the first lead: Brady, a homeowner in Tennessee.

These policies aren’t her strongest suit, so she pulls up the best performing sales script for home warranty prospects in the Sun Belt (yes, you can refine to that level of specificity with Inline CRM!) and spends some time practicing before picking up the phone.

8:11 AM

Brady doesn’t answer. Lisa leaves a message and uses software integrated within Inline CRM to send a templated email that, after much tinkering based on sales reports, generates a solid 27% ROI.

9:49 AM

Lisa sees a new lead pop up in her dashboard and she knows exactly why. This is for extended RV coverage, which she has an 80% close rate on — highest by far in the company.  Thanks to Inline’s User Groups, this type of lead was automatically assigned to her.

10:03 AM

Since Lisa calls right after she received the lead (which can increase close rates by 100%), she closed the deal. That means she hit her bonus!

But she still wants to know what her normal commission would be on the sale. She enters basic information like the type, term and tier of policy into Inline CRM’s built-in commission calculator and gets the number instantly.

10:04 - 10:05 AM

Lisa does a happy dance at her desk.

12:17 – 1:15 PM

Lisa treats herself to a nice lunch.

Feeling energized by the way today’s going, she expands her selling mindset and reads a blog on the most persuasive words in sales.

2:20 PM

Jerry, a customer who bought a vehicle service contract last week, calls and gives Lisa some bad news: He needs to cancel because his car was totaled yesterday in an accident and requests a refund.

Lisa feels sorry for him — and herself. Now, she still needs one more sale for that bonus.

She extends her apologies and understanding while she uses Inline CRMs refund calculator to tell Jerry the exact refund amount he’ll receive within five business days.

2:22 – 2:56 PM

Lisa schedules drip emails for prospects in her follow-up queue who already have VSCs and might want coverage for their furnace with colder months approaching.

3:32 PM

Brady, the person Lisa left a message for earlier in the morning, returns her call.

She references the script that statistically performs the best. She even sprinkles some of those persuasive selling words (like “because”) into the conversation. After informing Brady that homeowners in Tennessee save $1,425 on average thanks to her company’s coverage, he buys.

Bonus reached! Again.

3:34 - 3:35 PM

Lisa does another happy dance at her desk.

4:38 PM

Lisa receives an email from her boss stating they’ve been reviewing this month’s direct marketing metrics (yes, in Inline CRM). Beginning next week, there’s going to be new campaigns hitting select states in the Northeast, so she should expect to see an influx of new leads from that region.

5:04 PM

As she’s walking out the door for the day, Lisa hears a happy yell come from a co-worker’s desk. One of his leads bought a policy online — a special feature that other CRMs lack — thanks to an email he sent earlier in the week. 

That sale nets them a bonus, too.

Inline CRM Makes Every Day a Little Easier

If your call center or sales team could use a CRM that helps map out their day, or if you’re a manager in need of granular reporting that helps you make better decisions, Inline CRM might be the best way to start (and end) your day.

Put some time on our calendar and schedule a no-obligation test drive.